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The Final Blog Post: What I Learned From the UBC Blog Boost>

Yes I am breaking my arm patting myself on the back

That is because I usually don’t follow through.

I have signed onto The Ultimate Blog Challenge 8 times; this is the first time I finished it.

I didn’t do 31 blogs in 31 days but I did finish 28.

Creating ideas for each day stretched me.

Reading and commenting on others’ blogs pushed me to use my brain and learn things that I usually would not have ventured towards such as homeschooling, Literature and performing.

Here are 10 Lessons from the Ultimate Blog Challenge:

1. Being consistent doesn’t take all day.  The blogging did take some time but the posting and commenting literally took 5 minutes.

2. Smart people are sharing some kick a** information and it is worth the time to get out of my little bubble and check it out!

3. Perfection is not required.  Taking consistent action is vital.  I can always go back and make my blog posts more powerful.

4. Just write and don’t focus on SEO.  I found when I was authentic and truly transparent I has amazing traffic.

5. Random acts of kindness works wonders for others and myself.  By just going on the Blogboost stream via twitter, reading some posts and retweeting made my day and helped the blogger boost their day as well.

6. Even if you don’t know a lot about the information you can still comment.  Don’t worry about sounding stupid.  Ask a question and the blogger will be happy to answer it.

7. Get Your Pin On!  Using pinterest as blog post was so fun, engaging and a traffic superstar!

8. Plan.  I did plan out my blog posts for the month, but I didn’t stick to the plan.  As the month wore on, I was inspired to veer different directions. Following the plan was not as important as consistently implementing.

9. Blogging is a spiritual experience.  Doing this blogging challenge has given me such peace because all those festering thoughts got out of my head and on paper.  You didn’t read many because they are in my draft folder; but the challenge helped me get back into writing for my soul.

10. From Lissa Rankin: Confidence and Humility are different sides of the same coin.  When you are confident; you know you are here for a great reason and when you are humble you know that everyone around you is here for a great reason as well.

Lissa was not in the challenge per se but her writing about confidence and humility helped my see the greatness in myself and what I had to share in its imperfect glory AND I saw the greatness in all the other blogs that I had the opportunity to read.

Michelle Schaeffer is one of the few “BIG TIME” coaches who does the confidence/humility balance like a pro.

Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing my blog posts.

I will continue writing while beginning my including videos into my blogs in September.

Finally, my inquiring mind wants to know: are you a follow-througher or a fall of the hiller?  Let me know in the comment section.



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2 Responses to The Final Blog Post: What I Learned From the UBC Blog Boost

  1. Great post and so wonderful that you put in to words things you learned from UBC. I finished too and am probably half and half of finishing and not. A lot of times I have good intentions but… But I am excited to say that I finished this too!

  2. Hi Congratulations too. I missed one day and ended up posting two on one day…but you’re right it’s more about sharing and expanding and the more we do that the smaller the world becomes. Thanks for stretching out to shake hands..Sharon

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