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Hypocrite Chronicles: Calorie Counting Is My Friend

Calorie Counting Is The Doorway Freedom
Calorie Counting Is The Doorway Freedom



)This is just one way where I have noticed my hypocrisy  I am doing an ongoing series about my hypocrisy so that in the light it will lose its power.  Bringing out is also my way to cleanse the shame from my heart and soul.  If this doesn’t jive with you; no problem, just move on)

Even though I emphasize to anyone who would listen that your intuition is the best calorie counter and portion controller on the planet; it doesn’t work for me right now.


Notice I said RIGHT NOW!


That is because I have driven my body into a sea of compulsive behaviors and right now my body and I are re-establishing a relationship.


During my 2 week stay at Hilton Head Health Institute; I counted my calories and I forgot how much I loved it.


I forgot how free I feel when I add up my numbers.

I forget how thrilling it is to watch the scale move and never feel hungry, deprived or to even care that the scale moved down!


During my stay at H3; I re-affirmed my commitment to being a recovering food addict. Being Powerless Over Food Makes me feels so fricking powerful!


Through acknowledgement of being powerless, I now have the responsibility to look under the hood and learning how it ticks.


If you know me you know I adore Marc David and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating; but there is one thing that I firmly disagree upon:


He does not believe that you can be addicted to food because you need food to survive.


I know that I can be addicted to lots of things that I need to survive; such as shopping.


One of the biggest tools that I have to managing my food is through the calorie counter.


Of course, I still eat the best food possible, all organic, all gluten-free with lots of vegetables but now I also count the calories in my food log.


In addition, even though I have been logging my food for 4 years, I really wasn’t logging my food.  I would fill it out the following day and then wonder why I was gaining weight.


Writing down my food as I eat it; takes 10 seconds.


Counting calories keeps me honest and conscious of what I am putting in my mouth.


I also had to set up my home differently.


Measuring cups have become my friend along with my food scale.


This act has allowed me to not think so much about food and to just unleash the monster (food and my recovering addiction to it) 3 meals a day and 2 snacks.  No more and no less.


Stay tuned for the next installment of Hypocrite Chronicles and this one is a BIGGIE!  In the meantime, let me know your thoughts.




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