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To Increase Fat & Illness Adopt Healthy Habit #2: The Scale is Like My Cheating Ex-Boyfriend…

Trust me; neither of them were this attractive...
Trust me; neither of them were this attractive…

How can Healthy Habit #2 remind me of my cheating ex-boyfriend?  Just go with me here….


When I was in high school; I was madly in love with a certain boy.


We were going steady and I wore his class ring on my left hand. (dorky I know.)


He worked with a certain girl and he always told me that she was a great friend; nothing for me to be jealous of because he loved me…..


They spent their dinner hour together.   If cells phones were around I am sure they would have been texting and chatting and maybe then I would have had a clue.


Yet, he never changed his attitude towards me and since I was naïve I never thought about his “dinner hour” companion…


Until one day he asked for the ring back.

He was in love with his good friend and it was time for him to say goodbye to me.


I was shocked, embarrassed, and despondent.


I screamed: “You lied to me.”


He disagreed.


He answered that he didn’t lie he just didn’t tell me the whole truth.



The number on the scale is like my old cheating boyfriend; it gives you a number but doesn’t tell you the whole truth.

In my book that is lying!


The scale only gives you a number. It does not take into account your muscle, which weighs more than fat.  It doesn’t say to you; “that number is a bit higher because you have some inflammation going on”.  It doesn’t share that the number you are seeing is lower because you are dehydrated and desperately need some H20.


I am also not one of those people who say you must give your scale away.


I used to be but as I have evolved as an eating psychology coach; I have learned that allowing some hunk of metal to hold your power is nonsense.


You don’t control the scale, but you do INFLUENCE THE NUMBER.


How do you influence that number:


  • Moving in a way that moves you.
  • Sleeping (weight loss happens in your sleep)
  • Breathing: turns on the rest and digest system revs your metabolism.
  • Eating what you want.


My passion is to help every woman I meet use their past diet histories to create a FIT future by eating what they want.  This is not some hype.  No supplements needed.  The only thing you need is trust; trust in yourself that you know what to eat so you can become simply slim.


Sounds so simple but is far from easy when you try to become simply slim on your own.  Luckily you don’t have to because am going to show you how at my Party Simply Slim: How to eat what you want so you can wear what you want and have the energy to strut your stuff.  This $97 value party has no cover charge for you!  It is my gift but you do have to sign up by going here.


Use that scale AND use other measures to chart your progress such as:

  • clothing.
  • Energy
  • Your endurance
  • Your body fat percentage (NOTE: this can be very subjective unless you have a reliable apparatus; either person or machine).


Even today I was told that I was looking thinner.  I have not lost a pound but my clothes fit better, I feel better and my workouts have been fantastic.  Plus, I am wearing a dress that I couldn’t wear a month ago.


To read more about how I made peace with the scale go here.


My inquiring mind must know: are you willing to take back control over the scale and your body and become simply slim?  What would be true for you if you stepped into “Eating what you want land”?

P.S.: I am not sure what ever happened to that cheating ex-boyfriend; but I am sure grateful he cheated otherwise I could be stuck with him right now!


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2 Responses to To Increase Fat & Illness Adopt Healthy Habit #2: The Scale is Like My Cheating Ex-Boyfriend…

  1. Great post Maureen!

    I absolutely love how you have compared the scale to your cheating ex-boyfriend!

    I can definitely relate to the scale not reflecting the changes your body is making! I have been working out with a celebrity trainer for the last 9 months which has dramatically improved my fitness level (speed, strength and endurance) and my clothes are fitting differently, but the scale has only changed about 8 pounds. The best part is noticing the changes in my muscle definition.

    I know that one of the things that has made loosing weight more challenging is that I’m not getting enough sleep. I have been doing my best to get more sleep, but sometimes with little ones that is easier said than done.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    • Way to go Melissa! You are so right; sleep will boost your results even more and you are right it is easier said than done. You just do the best you can and don’t worry about it because when you worry you just cause more stress.

      Thanks so much for commenting!

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