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The Savor You Manifesto

I Savor My Life!

The moment a woman embraces her power to create a Sassy, Sexy and Satisfied life, her world shifts. The winds of worth, wealth and wisdom begin to flow in her life and she is FREE. She becomes part of the Savor community of women who are free. Free to become more of who we really are. Free to be REAL (imperfect and flawed) without the fear that it will diminish our value. Realizing that the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us different are the very things that make us savory, amazing and valuable. We are free to live full with no hole inside that needs to be filled. No longer dependent on sugar, food or over indulgence to make us feel better. We shun the diet experts that tell us what to eat. Instead we listen to our gut and nourish our bodies with a unique recipe. A recipe that skyrockets our energy and helps us let go of excess weight. Satisfaction comes from knowing that today is a powerful force that will shape our tomorrow. We are redefining success to suit our new and more powerful vision of ourselves. It’s the only definition that matters anyway!

We soak up the moments to rest our souls. We hold and release, maintain and prevent, clean and reflect, cook and create, wait and leap, laugh and love in the midst of life’s volcanoes and gentle breezes. We are thankful and grateful for the clean sweep of yesterday’s garbage and the ability to marinate our minds in the magnificence of the present moment. Our past is behind us and our present is our gift.

While others are busy trying to measure up to the expectations of fake friends on Facebook, we embrace our true identity, our beautiful body and our inner brilliance. There’s no time for judgments. No room for comparisons. No need to shout how great we are. Our greatness and worth is not measured by likes or retweets but by the ripple we create when we share our truth and genius. The grace and joy that marks our actions, attitudes and voice say it all. What others think about us is none of our business. Our business is knowing our value, being thankful for it and sharing it with the world.

We embrace our curves, creativity and countenance, which allow us to individually express our uniqueness…our special sauce that adds flavor to everything we do. We wear dresses to baseball games because we can and we wear rain boots when the sun is high in the sky because we can. We breakthrough life’s toughest obstacles and achieve our high goals while wearing high heels.  When we look at others there is no comparison. We behold who we are as constantly improving, never stagnant or stuck, and created as a one and only original design. Perfect in our creation, we stand in awe of the promise and possibility of us. We see beyond the hurt and pain of our past and step boldly into our future, taking back our power to thrive and not just survive.. We refuse to squeeze into cookie-cutter conformation and the number on the scale does not define us. Every inch of our body radiates the beauty within.  Our super power is LOVE. The love we have for ourselves enable us to love others more deeply and completely.  Collaboration is our secret weapon. We savor our sweet and spicy community, our private sanctuary. Sassy, Sexy Satisfied…Yes, that’s me!

When you finally embrace your body as a priceless and unique creation from God; your confidence will skyrocket and your energy will soar because you are no longer weighted down by the judgments of others.

Food Relationship Expert

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