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9 Reasons Why I Love Isagenix

I have been harboring a secret crush for months…


I was afraid to share my crush because I was afraid of what other people would think such as:


  • What will all the other Holistic Health Coaches think of me?  They will think that I sold myself to the network marketing devils.
  • What will all my friends who have been trying to get me to use their products think?  They will be mad and that scared me.
  • What will my husband think about venturing into some network marketing pyramid scheme?  What if I get myself into even more trouble?


After, much research and lots of painful games of hide and seek, I have stepped out the closet and am proudly wearing my Isagenix Badge.


I am sharing 9 reasons why I believe Isagenix is the  best nutritional system in a second, but first; I am going to take a moment and share my ideas about network marketing.

The investment is small; in fact, you eat your investment.  The time investment is what you care to invest.


I have invested very little time and even though I have created a hardly any revenue, 1/3 of it comes from Isasgenix.


What this means to me is that they have a generous compensation plan.


I am not writing this to recruit you but rather to give you a fast track to healing, weight release and energy.


As far was what others will think about me?


Their thoughts about me are none of my business and I still love them!


Drumroll Please drdrdrdrdrdrummmmmmrooooooollllllllllllllllllll please!!


1. Isagenix is a high investment:


I won’t lie; this system is not cheap and I love that because:

  • I am worth it and so are you.
  • The highest quality of ingredients and that requires an investment (more on that in a minute!)
  • The deeper investment means you are going to be purchasing less at the grocery store.

Before you say “I can’t afford it”  thank about all the dough you dole out for Starbucks, fast food, take out and even bottled water.  In addition, what about all that healthy produce that goes bad in your refrigerator.

Even though I don’t do Starbucks, fast food or even bottled water, I am saving money with Isagenix due to purchasing only what is needed at Whole Foods and wasting less produce.  My grocery bill decreased by 30%!

Plus, I zoom in and out faster, unpacking the groceries takes less time and cooking is not as intense!

Lesson 1:  Quit looking at the bottom line and get conscious of all your bucks.

Wondering if Isagenix is made of gold?  NO Just Protein.  Yet, not your typical protein which takes us to Second Reason I love me some Isagenix!


2.         Protein: Lots and Lots of High Quality Protein!


The isalean shakes contain 24 grams of un-denatured whey protein from grass-fed cows living in New Zealand.   These cows are left to roam their pastures and are never treated with hormones or antibiotics.  In addition, the grass they eat is pure; no pesticides, herbicides or any other cides touch these precious cow’s food.


Whey protein is the powerhouse for building muscle, yet it contains dairy, which can be hard for many to digest.  Un-denaturing protein is a low heating process that eliminates the lactose while leaving the precious protein.  Most lactose intolerant people handle these shakes beautifully, but Isagenix also offers a dairy free version as well.  Some experts will give you the evils of un-denaturing your protein.  All I can say is that I feel great and so do my clients.  Try it for yourself and then decide.  Don’t allow the opinions of others to determine your actions.  That goes for what I am sharing today as well.


3.         Isagenix shakes are gluten-free!


Gluten-free is all the rage these days but what does gluten-free really mean?  Gluten is a protein found in wheat and it is estimated that close to 60% of people have some sort of intolerance to gluten.  Symptoms can be inconsistent and seem unrelated to what you are eating.   For example, many people notice a skyrocketing mood when they get off gluten.  All the 24grams of carbohydrates found in Isa-lean shakes contain no gluten, so it is an easy way to wean yourself off without sacrificing satiety and taste.


4. Isagenix shakes are DELICIOUS!


Satiety is the path to happiness and the way to satiety is to enjoy delicious foods.  Isagenix shakes taste like pudding!  They are full of flavor and satisfaction.


5.         Isagenix shakes blend easily:


I have tried numerous shakes that were great in the blender but not so great in the shaker.  It would be fantastic if you could always have electricity and your blender by your side but lets get real folk; you just don’t.  Having a high quality protein source that travels well, does not take up a lot of room in your carry on and tastes delicious with water will rock your world.  All you need is water, a blender bottle and bam you are shaking!


6. Isagenix shakes are sweetened naturally.


I love me some stevia but it can cause cravings in certain people.  Isagenix shakes have 11 grams of sugar that come from beets, pears and honey.  I love that it is sweetened with whole foods and the 11 grams is just enough to give satisfy your sweet tooth without spiking your blood sugar!


7. Isagenix is Filling:


For years, shakes did not fill me up so I avoided them.  I swore I needed to chew my food.  What was missing for me were 2 things: 1. Slowing down and savoring  2. The shake having enough protein that fueled me and filled me at the same time.  I can go 3 hours between meals and when I drink my shake at dinner; I go to sleep 4 hours happy and satisfied without night sweats!  A bonus?  Isagenix shakes are so thick and creamy that I pour them into a bowl and eat it like pudding.  That way I am better at savoring my meal and feeling like I am giving myself an extra treat!


8.  isagenix Shakes are Naturally Alkalizing:


Acidity is the breeding ground for all disease and as a nation we are full of acid!  Stress, lack of sleep, fake foods and too much sugar make our bodies prime for sickness.  Unfortunately, protein is very acidic as well, yet the best way to alkalize the body with through high quality protein.  When you are on an Isagenix system you are not only ingesting high quality nutrition you are also detoxifying your body and organs and that will help balance your Ph!


9.  Isagenix Supports Your Precious Adrenals.


If reasons 1 through 8 don’t entice you; then helping your adrenal gland get back on track be the reason.  Lets get honest, we are a stressed out, sick, fat and dysfunctional society.  We cannot sleep, we barely think, we worry and we barely live. This puts our adrenal glands under pressure.


The adrenal gland pumps out the hormone cortisol.  This is the hormone that allows you to save your own life when you are in extreme danger.  It is great for about 4 minutes.  Due to all the crap we put in our bodies, along with the stress of those electronic devices and a host of other issues, cortisol is being produced constantly and it become toxic to our body.  In turn, our body will increase fat to protect us form the overflow.  In addition, all that extra cortisol bullies our other hormones into getting unbalanced as well.


When I work with women with hormones, I always focus on getting the cortisol balanced because the thyroid and estrogen will usually follow her lead.  Cortisol is queen.


How does Isagenix support your adrenals?  Of course, the high quality ingredients help but the secret weapon is Ionix Supreme.  It contains natural adaptogens that soothe our adrenals.  In addition, it also travels over to that extra cortisol and tells it to take a hike.



Isagenix has a 100% 30 day money back guarantee!


This means that you can use the whole system and send it back for a refund; no questions asked!  Now that takes some freaking confidence!

In an ideal world; you don’t need protein powder.  You would get all your nutrients from whole foods; purchasing just what you need at the farmers market daily.


We don’t live in an ideal world.  Actually, our world is crazy full of stress, busy-ness and juggling tasks.  Isagenix is the best nutritional system that I have found that will support your adrenals, alkalize your body and give you the high quality protein that you body is starving for.  If Isagenix intrigues you then lets chat.



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