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Healthy Habit #3: Fat Makes You Fat: NOT!

REVVVV you metabolism with coconut oil
REVVVV you metabolism with coconut oil

Healthy Habit #3: Be Afraid of Fat; has really taken a hold over our nations’ psyche and the manufacturers have raked in billions as a result of being afraid of fat.


Yet, this fear of fat has made us fatter, sicker and sadder.


When the fat is taken out of food it is replaced with sugar and chemicals.  The calories may be lower but your toxicity rating skyrockets.


I remember when I jumped on the no-fat bandwagon.  It was the early 90s and I was working on letting go of the baby weight.  


Every morning, my baby daughter and I would go to the gym.  She would go into babysitting and I would work towards burning off the binge from the night before.


My favorite back then were the Entenmann’s fat free brownie. Since it was fat-free I ate the whole thing because fat made you fat!


I had even shied away from my favorite salads because I was afraid of the whole fat dressing that I loved.


As you can surmise, I had a hard time losing my fat even though I wasn’t eating fat but I was eating lots of sugar and chemicals that was playing ping pong with my blood sugar and cravings.


One day, my gym buddy and I were talking about how much we missed our salads with the full fat dressing.  


She said “I seem to lose weight a lot easier with the full fat dressing than this fat free sh*t.


My friend was onto something!


Here are 6 reasons why you need fat in your life:


1. It fills you: Since fat takes longer to digest you will be able to go longer between meals.


2. It satisfies you: as my friend said 20 years ago; salads were more fun with full fat dressing.  The low-fat/fat-free stuff is full of cr*p that requires bigger portions to satisfy.  


3. It tastes good: That full fat dressing made my salad tastes scrumptious and as a result I ate more of it and felt filled and satisfied.


4. It makes your brain hum…. Your brain is 2/3 fatty acids.  It needs fat to build and protect that precious cargo.  You can read more on this post from The Franklin Institute.  I am simplifying this but our brains need fat to build and protect our brains.  


5. It is essential to your metabolism:  Coconut oil has a little magic trick called Lauric which helps boost your metabolism.  Back in the 1940s cattle farmers decided to use coconut oil to fatten their cows.  However, these cows actually slimmed down.  You can read more about the wonder of Coconut oil via Dr. Oz.


6. It helps your heart: Omega 3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish and Krill oil help decrease cholesterol and triglycerides.


Guess what?  This doesn’t mean to go put a stick of butter on some popcorn and jump in head first!

Fat, is powerful and needs to be thought of as a condiment; something that helps you food taste delicious while giving your body some great benefits!

During Simply Slim: How to Eat What You Want so You Can Wear What You Want and Have the Energy to Strut Your Stuff: I am going to give you a step by step template on which fats will give you the biggest bang for your buck and how to use them so that you are feeling satiated and satisfied.  Go here and get all the details and RSVP.  It is free so put away that credit card!

My Inquiring mind wants to know: what are your feelings about fat?

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2 Responses to Healthy Habit #3: Fat Makes You Fat: NOT!

  1. I hate how the media demonizes fat, cholesterol, and anything else they swear will make you fat, give you cancer, cause brain damage, etc. What’s really bizarre is that they rarely, if ever, report on ways to actually stay healthy. And that would include a certain amount of fats in one’s diets every day. I used to work as a dietitian’s clerk many moons ago, and there was no such thing as a completely fat-free diet. Patients with any number of health problems were always given some fat throughout the day. It’s all about how you distribute it.

    • Amen Angie! I could not agree with you more. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment!

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