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Healthy Habit #5: Not Investing In Clothes That Fit Until the Clothes That Don’t Fit Fit

My one of the 2 dresses that fit.
My one of the 2 dresses that fit.

Healthy Habit #5 is disturbing and detrimental to your well-being. 

I can say that because I have been there…

4 summers ago, I had 2 dresses that fit.  I would wash them daily and when the strap of one broke, I safety pinned it back on.

My nieces would call that dress the uniform.  I would laugh but deep inside I was heart-broken.

I am a clothes freak and I longed to wear what everyone else was wearing.  Yet, I refused to purchase clothes for myself because it felt like I was giving up.


With-holding fitting clothes only made my body bigger.


The body has not deceived us by getting bigger, rather it became bigger because we deceived it!

Your body is a living, breathing specimen.  It not only needs food, water and shelter but it also starves for your love and attention.

Think of your body as your baby.  Would you withhold clothing because she was too fat?  I don’t know about you, but if I said to a baby that I would say to my body, I would be in jail for child abuse.

I understand that is seems wasteful to purchase clothes that will get too big; but I must ask; isn’t that exactly what you want?

Buying clothes that fit today does not equal waving the white flag; rather quite the opposite.  By taking your body on a shopping spree, you are energetically re-establishing the trust that you enjoyed in your youth.

You don’t have to spend a fortune!  Target has the cutest things and these resale shops are loaded with designer duds for a fraction of the cost.


No matter your size; feeling fabulous is your birthright  and when those clothes get too big; celebrate and take them to a resale shop or give them to someone who could use them.

I am not talking about a random charity but rather someone who is on the path of becoming simply slim.  Think of them as being magical.  After all, they helped you; why not spread the joy?

As my clothes became too big, I gave them to a friend and we had a sort of ceremony.  I thanked the clothing for supporting me and to please support my friend as she continues on her journey.  The only requirement is that she handed that clothing to someone else on the journey as they became too big for her.

Sort of like the sisterhood of the traveling pants.

This can be scary; I know it and get it so start small and let me know in the comment section if you have experienced this phenonomen before.

I know what to do but I just don’t do it.  (Going it alone)

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2 Responses to Healthy Habit #5: Not Investing In Clothes That Fit Until the Clothes That Don’t Fit Fit

  1. I am awful at buying new clothes fit myself! I wear the same few outfits over and over again! I think I might need a little retail therapy this weekend

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